First cricket session at the Defense University High School
Крикетийн хөтөлбөр амжилттай хэрэгжиж буй сургуулиудын нэг нь Үндэсний батлан хамгаалахын их сургуулийн харьяа Тэмүжин өрлөг дунд...

1st April 2018 – Spring Indoor Cricket Cup
6 schools put out 72 kids in 9 teams for 7 hours of non-stop cricket on Sunday. From 10 to 16 years old, all competed bravely and...

Крикет гэж юу вэ? Крикетийг яаж тоглох вэ? Mongolian language video "What is cricket?"
Thank you to Robert Moran, the Australian Volunteers programme and DFAT's Direct Aid Programme, Cricket Mongolia has produced the first...

Zaisan Saturday Sessions - all welcome
Most Saturday's from October to April we hold sessions up at the top of Zaisan - next to Grand Med hospital where the bus turns around....

Cricket Mongolia starts working with the State University of Physical Education
Coaching capacity is Cricket Mongolia's greatest challenge, there is a lot of demand for cricket but few who can coach that speak...

2017 Friendship Indoor Cup
Today, Sunday 17th December 2017, Cricket Mongolia (MACA) held its first EVER indoor tournament, and great cricketing history was made....

Ambassador Catherine Arnold brings the BBC to play cricket with School 34
Дэлхийн хэвлэл мэдээллийн томоохон суваг Английн ВВС телевиз Нийслэлийн 34-р сургууль Кристина Ноблийн Хүүхдийг Ивээх Сангийн хүүхдүүдийн...

MNB's MN Today Interview with Mr Robert Moran
Манай холбооны мэргэжилтэн, дасгалжуулагч Роберт Моран Монголын Үндэсний Телевизээр ярилцлага өглөө. Our coach Robert Moran's interview...

UK in Mongolia - #InspireMe Festival
GREAT fun yesterday at the UK in Mongolia - British Embassy Ulaanbaatar #inspireme festival ! For all that are interested in playing...
Cricket Coach Arrives from Australia
Ulaanbaatar. The first training session will be held by Mr Rob Moran, an Australian cricket coach, who arrived in Mongolia this week. The...